CDR Systems - Quality Patient Positioning Device Systems

Everything we create is a system of solutions with you in mind.

Looking for a way to keep your patients safe and comfortable? Look no further than CDR Systems! Our patient positioning devices make the nursing staff’s job easy and virtually stress-free.

New Generation Products

with FitAdjust™ for instant mask comfort and tightness adjustability.

Product Features Hexspand

are stronger than ever without compromising comfort or functionality.

Product Features SaBella Arm Cup

utilizes many degrees of rotation, greatly improving patient comfort.


CDR’s LT-Thermoplastics are manufactured using the most current and advanced processes available, ensuring the highest consistency with respect to stretch, working time and ultimate patient comfort.


The FreedomX™ is a modular-based precision patient positioning system that is directly indexed to any treatment couch. With eight indexable modules that accurately position your patient in the two primary supine configurations, Arms Up or Arms Down.

SaBella Flex™

The SaBella Flex™ is a revolutionary and easy to use patient positioning device for treatment of breast, lung, pelvis and head & neck patients. The unique patented Dual Axis™ design provides a much wider range of positions which allow for better patient outcomes.


CDR’s LT-Thermoplastics are manufactured using the most current and advanced processes available, ensuring the highest consistency with respect to stretch, working time and ultimate patient comfort.

Our eDemo platform combines convenience and flexibility for our customers.

We offer flexible, customizable online systems for product training workshops, product reviews and Q & A sessions. Leveraging our digital presence, we can ensure you have the technical support you need, exactly when you need it.

News & Media

“The Freedom System provides our patients with superior levels of comfort and allows 33% faster setup and treatment times compared to our previous method. We recommend the Freedom System.”

Li et al of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA (Clinical experience with two frameless stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) systems using optical surface imaging for motion monitoring – Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics Vol16 #4)