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Everything we create is a system of solutions designed and crafted with you in mind.

What We Believe

At CDR Systems, we are your go-to solutions maker.

We talk to our clients, clinicians, care workers and care innovators continually. Those of you who use our products every day. We want to create better experiences and better outcomes with you. We are constantly asking: “How can we make your lives better”?

CDR is all about solutions… it’s the way we think, what we do, and how we create.

We care that solutions equal results. We can help you achieve these for your patients with great accuracy. How do we do this?

By making products that are complex yet simple. A multi-functional approach means that one device acts as many. Our products are streamlined where anything that is not relevant or useful is eliminated. What is left is highly accurate.

And our systems are strong but equally ultra-light. They have the strength of steel but weigh less than a bag of sugar. The low density allows for exceptional accuracy.